A Green Loans Program News Feed has now been added, to the 'Green Loans Program : Assessor' blog at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.
The Feedburner link address is http://feeds.feedburner.com/GoogleNewsGLP.
A shortened link address for use on Twitter etc, is http://bit.ly/getGLPNews.
Subsription to the feed is avialable from within the feed, or via email by using the form within this post.
The Feedburner link address is http://feeds.feedburner.com/GoogleNewsGLP.
A shortened link address for use on Twitter etc, is http://bit.ly/getGLPNews.
Subsription to the feed is avialable from within the feed, or via email by using the form within this post.
This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.
The education for households within the Green Loans program is the key part of the whole program - that can be completed with or without the loans. Households have limited understanding from patchy communication over the past few years. Through the assessment of their own home, they learn what areas they can look at easily, what they can plan to do to make a difference to their use of resources. They gain understanding and power. That's invaluable. The program is excellent for that reason. No amount of speeches in parliament will achieve what a one-on-one conversation will in someone's own home about their own energy use and behaviour.