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10th March 2010 - Penny Wong's GLP Statement / Update

September 2010 Auditor General's Report

"The Auditor General should immediately investigate how the Green Loans Scheme went so badly wrong." - Senator Christine Milne @senatormilne on Twitter.

"It is really a tragedy that a program that could, and should have been so good for the climate, for household energy bills and for Green Job Creation has been so disastrously mismanaged." - Senator Christine Milne.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Assessors Will Never Forget GLP BAD MANAGEMENT

The Auditor General's Report is a must read for all those people thinking of working with Government. One can see from the report into the GLP, that a lack of management and what private business would see as commonsense, is simply not present most of the time. Failings common place around every corner.

After reading the report there has to be serious doubt about staying involved in the new Green Start program. It is not a matter of thinking change but logics, commonsense and financial survival.

Quoted from the report:

Aspects of the program had not been administered to the standard that the Government and the community expected. The Minister also noted that:

  • around 4000 of the 7500 assessors had been contracted under the program, but with the program capped to 5000 assessors, some assessors would not receive contracts to work under the program;
  • over 210 000 of the program’s 360 000 assessments (58 per cent) had been completed in the first eight months of the program;
  • only 84 000 assessments (40 per cent of completed assessments) had been sent to households and there was a backlog of around 100 000 assessment reports yet to be sent out to households;
  • the delay in dispatching assessment reports was a contributing factor to the low uptake of green loans—only 1705 loans had been approved by participating financial institutions at that time;
  • Green Rewards cards had not been distributed to households; and delays in paying assessors were mostly due to incorrectly rendered invoices (with around 50 per cent of invoices incorrect or incomplete when first submitted).

Program changes announced on 19 February 2010 effectively capped the number of assessors and the demand for assessments, but also left thousands of assessors, who had each invested their time and around $3000 on training, insurance and registration, with unfulfilled work expectations.

The backlog of assessment reports to be distributed continued to grow to over 100 000, which denied many householders the opportunity to apply for an interest‐free green loan. - End quote.

How could anyone really be cleared of such a fiasco, beats me........

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

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