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10th March 2010 - Penny Wong's GLP Statement / Update

September 2010 Auditor General's Report

"The Auditor General should immediately investigate how the Green Loans Scheme went so badly wrong." - Senator Christine Milne @senatormilne on Twitter.

"It is really a tragedy that a program that could, and should have been so good for the climate, for household energy bills and for Green Job Creation has been so disastrously mismanaged." - Senator Christine Milne.

Friday, March 5, 2010

ABSA Member Update 2nd March

An exert taken from the ASBA's member update, dated 2nd March.

ABSA Chairman Wayne Floyd and CEO Alison Carmichael met with Minister Garrett, his staff, DEWHA, Shadow Minister, Greg Hunt and Greens Senator Christine Milne on Wednesday, February 24.

At each meeting they tabled a brief on ABSA, on its role in the Green Loans program, the impacts of the recently announced changes to the program and potential solutions to problems arising from the changes.

The discussion with Minister Garrett and DEWHA was guided by a set of questions, available on the HSAS website under News tab.

ABSA put forward the concerns of members about the cap on assessor numbers and the limit on the number of assessments per day. This is having an adverse impact on many members who believed the scheme provided a viable business for the foreseeable future.

DEWHA would give no undertakings but did promise written answers to these by Friday. We all now know what happened on Friday. Minister Garrett was demoted and his energy efficiency portfolio was given to Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong and assistant Minister Greg Combet. We have yet to receive the answers but have been assured on Monday that they are coming.

ABSA is greatly concerned that these changes mean a further delay in finding solutions for its members and is now seeking an urgent meeting with the new Minister.

Early indications are that both Ministers Wong and Combet are going to spend some time being briefed on the issues before they start meeting with stakeholders.

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