HEADS ARE BURNING - Home Sustainability Assessors Australia wide, are more than RED FACED about the current situation regarding the Green Loan Program Debacle!

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Who Was Responsible? VOTE NOW : Changes To GLP - VOTE NOW

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MAJOR RORT! : Field Force Booking 6000+ By Email Link! Not Anymore!!
GLP Assessor's GREEN CAREER now PT Due To Rudd Government!

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10th March 2010 - Penny Wong's GLP Statement / Update

September 2010 Auditor General's Report

"The Auditor General should immediately investigate how the Green Loans Scheme went so badly wrong." - Senator Christine Milne @senatormilne on Twitter.

"It is really a tragedy that a program that could, and should have been so good for the climate, for household energy bills and for Green Job Creation has been so disastrously mismanaged." - Senator Christine Milne.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Green Start Program : Assessors Vote Yes Or No?

Green Start - Think Change : The Department Of Climate Change is offering Green Loans Program assessors, a supposed transparent change over, to a Green Start Program via a grant application.

As an accredited Green Loans Program assessor are you going to apply?

This Government is surely making it hard and difficult for independent Green Loans assessors to wonder what the point is, to attempting to stay in a Green Workforce! Why does this Government come up with good ideas but fail to apply them in a sustainable way?

Personal initial thoughts on the application are, it seems to have been formulated for large business. And did we not learn how those large businesses were affecting our own individual small businesses before?

And to offer assistance in the form of Job Services Australia is just another 'stick in the eye' from this Government. Since when does the average independent assessor want to apply for a grant, that will be offered on 'value for money' in the departments eyes!

As an independent assessor what are you going to do? And if you are going to steer away from the Green Start Program why?

For those of you who have not read the application fully here is the link.

Pay special attention to how you are allowed to advertise your services. No Cold calling is allowed!!!! Door or phone!

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

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