HEADS ARE BURNING - Home Sustainability Assessors Australia wide, are more than RED FACED about the current situation regarding the Green Loan Program Debacle!

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MAJOR RORT! : Field Force Booking 6000+ By Email Link! Not Anymore!!
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10th March 2010 - Penny Wong's GLP Statement / Update

September 2010 Auditor General's Report

"The Auditor General should immediately investigate how the Green Loans Scheme went so badly wrong." - Senator Christine Milne @senatormilne on Twitter.

"It is really a tragedy that a program that could, and should have been so good for the climate, for household energy bills and for Green Job Creation has been so disastrously mismanaged." - Senator Christine Milne.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All Quiet On The Home Sustainability Assessor Front?

I Don't Think So!

As assessors we know there is a lot happening behind the scenes...

So Why So Quiet On This Blog?

Well when assessors use Google's system to spill the beans, containing other's private details, and then GLP Assessor is threatened with being sued by another, you have to ask yourself is this system you created for all assessors to benefit from:

  • Worth the time.
  • The risk.
  • The whatever?

At this moment in time I would have to question whether it is worthwhile spending more time in helping others, when at the end of the day the situation comes around and bites my tail!

All information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.


  1. It's a quiet time for the GLP in general. Apart from the Two Minutes' Hate for Fieldforce last week, there hasn't been much news to report. It's been two weeks since the ABSA seminar, and nearly a month since we heard from Senator Wong.

    I'm sorry to hear that people are abusing lines of communication such as this one. I guess people are still going to take advantage, thinking of themselves instead of each other.

    Keep fighting!


  2. Oops, forgot to mention the fall of GLACO in my list.


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