HEADS ARE BURNING - Home Sustainability Assessors Australia wide, are more than RED FACED about the current situation regarding the Green Loan Program Debacle!

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Who Was Responsible? VOTE NOW : Changes To GLP - VOTE NOW

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MAJOR RORT! : Field Force Booking 6000+ By Email Link! Not Anymore!!
GLP Assessor's GREEN CAREER now PT Due To Rudd Government!

Over 50 Visits To This Site EACH DAY! Spread The Word!

10th March 2010 - Penny Wong's GLP Statement / Update

September 2010 Auditor General's Report

"The Auditor General should immediately investigate how the Green Loans Scheme went so badly wrong." - Senator Christine Milne @senatormilne on Twitter.

"It is really a tragedy that a program that could, and should have been so good for the climate, for household energy bills and for Green Job Creation has been so disastrously mismanaged." - Senator Christine Milne.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Indian Call Centres Generating / Booking Assessments

When this blog is searched by Google for: "ho code vs assessor email" and the search is from India, wise assessors know a 'fair go' is not going to be the outcome for all assessors. Of course any assessor, and YES GLP Assessor was tempted, who books appointments via a lead generation system, at some time is going to be disadvantaging other assessors!

Up to the recent changes of the 19th February, it was a miracale to be able to get through to DEWHA. These lead generators promised they could for $$$. GLP Assessor, chose not to use that system! But we know the Indian call centres were getting through!

Why? Well anyone using an auto dialler, can, and only blocks the system for everyone!

We hope that DEWHA this time, will make sure that loophole is closed!

GLP Assessor over the last month, has had more calls from Indian Call Centres, wishing to make bookings, than Australian homes! Of course these call centres can use their reverse database and collect a group of 'would be' homes for assessment. Not taking the fail rate of the booking into account, GLP Assessor thinks this should be STOPPED. And it may have been, now due to the cap, on the number of assessments per assessor per week!

On the Green Loans website is stated "assessor or representative". What does this exactly mean DEWHA? It is hoped it means, bookings made by active assessors. Assessors with HO numbers, and passwords which they can change on a frequent basis, to prove, who they are!

Of course anyone can source a list off Google, or ABSA's site and pretend to be that assessor! Are you DEWHA going to make sure this cannot be rorted?

GLP Assessor does not want to see a 'fire sale' on HO numbers, just for the task of booking assessments. Anyone can pretend to be a number can't they? HO number purchased for $$$$!

If we are going to have a new Green Loans Program, then let's make sure this time it is 'rort free' for God's sake! You DEWHA have buckets of money to waste it would seem! So invest some of this $$$, firstly in making sure the foundations of GLP II are solid!

This post is not against Indian lead generation call centres, but the whole concept of lead generation call centres, being used within the concept of the GLP I & II, at the expense of other assessor's chances to a 'fair go'!

Because what we are left with here is the crumb's of what we had, and some of us have no other choice than to use these crumbs, to stay sane and feed our families!

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com and your comments as usual are welcome on this blog.

Green Loans Program Debacle Videos

Australian politicians air their views on the problems with the Green Loans Program, created by the mismanagement of the scheme by DEWHA.

Click to watch Andrew Laming on Peter Garrett's Green Loans Failure - 24th February.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Auditor General Launches Probe Into Green Loans Program

The Auditor-General yesterday launched a probe into the government's bungled environment program, the $175 million Green Loans Program.

The audit of the green loans scheme by Auditor-General Ian McPhee, is likely to put the Environment Minister under further pressure.

And why should it not?

GLP Assessor was put under further pressure yesterday as booked client's cancelled appointments. Why? Well there is NO GREEN LOAN in the Green Loan Program anymore! Those client's wanting the loan, to assist in installing solar electric and solar hot water.

Either GLP Assessor is positioned in a Green Loan Hungry cluster! Or DEWHA is not aware that the reduced uptake of the loan is due to:

  • A: No report!
  • B: Banks knocking back clients based on age! Even though this is not the excuse explained to the bank's client!

Both of these reasons being very common!

Let us all hope that commonsense prevails, in any further changes / ammendments to what could have been an excellent program, if it had been designed and managed correctly in the first place!

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Green Loans Program Steps Into Concrete Boots

The Green Loans Program it would appear is taking it's last few steps, before closure.
The ANZ & Westpac have decided to not take new applications, even though the scheme expires on March 22nd.
One can only assume with this announcement from two of the major lenders, that there is not going to be any back-flip regarding the possible rebirth of the Green Loan.
Both banks said they would continue to process applications already lodged. Read the full story on the Herald Sun's website.
RIP : Green Loans Program : Your Life Was Too Short!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Colours On The Wall : The Brown Loans Program

With the failure of the Green Loans Program, it was not the writing on the wall, but more so the colours, that should have been addressed!

GLP Assessor has a new name, The Brown Loans Program!

As we all know from our early years of learning, mix your colours incorrectly, and you would often end up with a ****y brown colour.

Here we have a Red Government, trying to be Green. But Green is Green! Not Red!!

As you keep on proving Labour, with your failed Green Programs! Not my feelings at all, but based on your own success! Or lack of it!

Peter Garrett has shown during a lack of good management, that it is best to remember, the basic colour education of mixing 'Red & Green', it always means you end up with a ****y BROWN colour!

From now on Aussie households we hope, will hear about, read, see a Green Policy, think about Green Party, and thus make a Green VOTE!

Why did we not realise RED means STOP! WARNING! Stupid us! Australians beware of the true colours of a political party!

Remember Peter, the idea of a program called the Green Loans Program without the loan, would just seem a little lame to most Australian households! Why not show your true colours Peter, and rename your new program, after it's true colour!

The Brown Loans Program!

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Green Loans Program In Limbo : Green Limbo Program

GLP Assessor has found this refreshing blog article, by Aaron Nielsen. It just goes to show that even assessors 'not on the road' yet, fully understand the mistakes that were forecast by ABSA and other assessors, but alarmingly carried through by those at the helm!

Alas, we seem to have a Government department, that just keeps on pumping out knee-jerking decisions, that destroy the very Green Program itself!

Am I missing out on some basic business logics and ethics here, or should the obvious action be taken? As assessors further know, these actions are creating daily situations that make a mockery of the legal contract signed by all assessors, with the Government!

Read the article Green Loans In Limbo on Aaron's blog.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

What Is A Garret? Nothing More Than Fluffed Insulation?

A Garret Full Of Fluffed Insulation
The Free Dictionary reports the definition of a Garret as being a:

"floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage".

GLP Assessor can only congratulate the Free Dictionary for their choice of image! As we can see in the image, the choice of household insulation is nothing more than a load of fluff! Visit the site here.

GLP Assessor supports all Aussie Insulators left out in the cold!

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

DEWHA's Green Loans Program Enquiry Line On Hold

New Green Loans Program Enquiry Line On Hold!

The department has established a new line to handle enquiries. The phone number is 1300 778 451. If you wish to make an enquiry, please phone this number, is the advice on the department's website.

So GLP Assessor did call the number today, after trying to book assessments on 1800 895076 which is still 100% engaged! Surley for GLP Assessor it would make sense to confirm whether the new call centre is in fact online, as of yet!

ALAS, after waiting for half an hour it would appear there is no limit to the phones this department can place on hold!

My vote at the next election, will not be on hold though DEWHA! Along with my fellow assessors and those in the Green Industry ripped off by your mismanagement.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ABC 7.30 Report : Green Loans Scrapped

When Peter Garrett abruptly terminated the Government's beleaguered Home Insulation Program on Friday, he also axed another controversial federal scheme, the Green Loans Program.

Under this scheme, people could get a free energy assessment of their home, and then apply for a four-year interest free loan to finance improvements, to their energy efficiency. More than 200,000 homes have already been assessed, but only around 1,000 loans have been approved, with claims that the program has been mired in bureaucratic blockages.

Now the loans themselves have been scrapped and thousands of people who trained as assessors fear they'll go broke. Matt Peacock reports on the full story here : Green Loans Scrapped.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Green Logics Wins Over Garrett's Lack Of Commonsense

According to Greens Senator Christine Milne, she say's the Government has panicked, with it's recent restructure of the Green Loans Program.

"What is the point in now having hundreds of thousands of assessments, if people are not then in a position to be able to borrow money in order to implement the changes?" she said.

Senator Milne says changes to the program, do not deal with the questions about the quality control of assessments, or the consistent training of auditors.

"They needed to go back and look at a nationally accredited training course, a re-registration of people, to make sure they had met a certain standard," she said.

"They needed to fix the software, make sure that the whole program was sorted out before they moved to the next stage.

"Instead of that they've rushed from one thing to another in knee-jerk reaction, in a panicked state, and it is going to create more problems."

All too true Senator Milne! It's not too hard to see where the mistakes have and are still being made. Will this nightmare on 'Garrett Street' ever end?

Assessor State Representation Email Addresses

To contact your state's local representative, use the following email format:


Where the * is the code for your state.

nsw : qld : mel : tas : sa : nt : act : wa

Note: VIC is mel. Likely reason being 'vic' is already assigned under Google Mail.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Homes Want The Green Loan! Where Are The Reports DEWHA?

Over 85% of GLP Assessor's clients, ONLY GOT a Home Sustainability Assessment for one reason! To Access The Green Loan!

Reports of a low intake of Green Loans, due to lack of interest from the householder, is nothing more than the biggest load of badly researched BOLLOCKS from the Government!

Assessed homes contacted in the last week by GLP Assessor STILL have NO REPORTS! These homes were assessed in October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010!

The reason for homes not accessing the Green Loan is simple. They need the Home Sustainability Assessment Report to access the loan.

DEWHA you have a very big problem in sending out reports on time!

Now call me stupid if you must on this one! But if 85% of my clients only got the assessment due to the Green Loan, what is MY BUSINESS going to be doing next week, and the week after?

The majority of homes will not want a Home Sustainability Assessment, without the Green Loan!

I ask DEWHA, to call 500 assessed homes. Home assessed by independent assessors please, and ask them these questions.

A: Have you got the report?
B: How long have you been waiting for the report?
C: Do you intend to use the report to access the Green Loan?

And YES make the results public!

DEWHA, if you intend to follow through with your promise, and call 5000+ assessors this weekend, with reference to the changes in the Green Loan. Then next weekends challenge which I set down for you of calling 500 homes should be as simple as:

1: Do the research to find the failings.
2: Report on the true results.
3: Create a sustainable, simple, logical solution.

This Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

VOTE NOW On The Changes To The Green Loans Program

What Changes To The Green Loans Program Do You Agree With?

Copy and email the following address to your fellow assessors : http://twtpoll.com/r/a41etd.

We need as many votes as possible on this one!

This information edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

ABSA Welcomes Green Loan Announcement By DEWHA

The Association of Building Sustainability Assessors, ABSA, has welcomed a number of changes to the Green Loans Program. Announced on the 19th February by the Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Mr Peter Garrett.

ABSA Chairman Wayne Floyd, said today that many of the changes were in line with the organisation's, representations to government.

ABSA is the accrediting body for assessors under the Household Sustainability Assessment Scheme. Householders applied for a Green Loan after having their home assessed by ABSA members, who must have completed a training course, and obtained the required insurance cover and Police check.

"Changes such as the extra 600,000 assessments, and weekly caps on assessment bookings are welcome. The announcement of additional work for assessors under the Green Start program in 2011, should result in a continuation of work for our members.

"These are all positive moves for the sustainability industry, and will help to ensure that our members can be more confident, about their long term future," he said.

However, Mr Floyd said the cap of 5,000 assessors, working on the Green Loans Program would create problems. There are currently about 7,000 member assessors accredited by ABSA, with a further 2,000 applications being processed.

"We don't know yet how the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), which runs this scheme, will determine which of our members will make the cut and who will lose out.

"This is particularly frustrating, as ABSA warned the Department last August that the number of people seeking accreditation as assessors, was far higher than anticipated and that there would be too many assessors, for the 360,000 assessments originally budgeted for.

There was also no mention in the announcement of quality control, or auditing, issues which ABSA would be vigorously pursuing with the Department.

"ABSA will continue to have discussions with government, to ensure the long term viability of the sustainability industry" Mr Floyd said.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Press Release : Changes To Commonwealth Environmental Programs

The Australian Government today announced a series of changes, to the administration of the environmental programs to boost safety and improve environmental performance.

These changes are aimed at boosting safety for households and safety for the workers whose employment is funded by these important environmental programs.

Significant Changes to Green Loans Program

The Government will help over an additional 600,000 Australian households tackle climate change through a re-designed and extended Green Loans program.

That is on top of the 360,000 assessments already available under the program, of which more than 270,000 have already been booked nationwide.

The re-design of the program will include:

  • the discontinuation of the less popular loans component next month to provide for the significant boost to assessment availability;
  • a new cap of 5000 assessors, allowing up to an extra 1200 trained assessors to contract with the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts;
  • a weekly cap of 15,000 assessment bookings and a daily and weekly cap per assessor of three and five respectively to ensure greater quality and a more even distribution of work for assessors right around the nation;
  • changed booking arrangements allowing only individual assessors to make bookings.
These new arrangements will apply to the end of 2010.

To learn more, read the Significant Changes To Commonwealth Environmental Programs press release to see how this affects Green Loans Assessors.

Senator Christine Milne's comments on the changes can be found here.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Green Loans Call Centre Changes Announced

19th February : Changes to the Green Loans Call Centre Changes will occur over the weekend. This message is announced via the 1800 895 076 Call Centre number.

A notice to assessors via the Green Loans Program website explains:

"These new program changes will assist in improving the quality of assessments, and ensure a fair spread of assessments between assessors.

Assessors will be unable to make bookings whilst the call centre is closed. We apologise for any inconvenience.

As soon as we have updated information on program changes and the new call centre arrangements, the Department will contact assessors by email, and where possible by phone. This will occur over the weekend.

Assessments currently booked in the system will proceed as normal. Assessments undertaken to date will be paid.

If you have submitted a contract to the Department to become an assessor, the Department will contact you over the next two weeks to inform you of how the changes will affect you."

Visit Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Green Loans Program Unanswered Questions

With reference to the Green Loans Program, there are a few questions that seem difficult to get clear answers to.

Therefore if you know the answers, please add them as a comment to this blog post.

  • Who set the RTO's training targets for the GLP scheme?
  • When were these targets set?
  • What targets did the RTO's have on a weekly basis?
  • How often did the RTO's feedback this information to ABSA / DEWHA?
  • How was this feedback supplied?
  • Howcome when the assessor numbers blewout, did the training not cease?
  • Why was Field Force's arrangement of direct booking, NEVER explained by ABSA or DEWHA?
  • Why was the same not mentioned in the contract?
  • Where the Government shows BAD FAITH in the contract what can be done?
  • Where the Government takes longer than 30 days to settle accounts what can be done?
  • How is ABSA going to represent it's member's in the fight for justice and losses?
  • Are accreditation fees and other costs based on 12 months going to be refunded in part?

If you would like to see your question added to this list. Email GLP Assessor.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Banks Pre-Approval On Green Loan : Good Idea?

Some Green Loan Program clients assessed in October, have still not received Home Sustainability Reports! November and December's clients reporting the same, when contacted today by GLP Assessor.

Some of the Green Loan lenders are giving pre-approval on the loans. GLP Assessor thinks this is not a wise idea!

Why? Client's are being pushed by the Solar provider to order. Once ordered, some suppliers are installing the goods, to await connection after approval. What happens if the client cannot pay, without the loan being approved?

This morning a GLP Assessor client reported, the goods are on the roof, awaiting connection on complete approval of the loan. When will this approval occur though, whilst the reports are still not arriving.

Questions arise regarding this scenario:

  • What happens if the loan is never approved?
  • Will the Solar Provider seek monies from the client?
  • How will the Solar Provider seek installation / de-installation costs and off who?
  • How can a weathered second hand system be sold?
  • If the GLP finishes tomorrow, what happens to these pre-approved loans?

Of course this is only the tip of the ice berg, with many questions still to be asked!

Yet again this could be very messy. Is there not anyone checking the delivery of this scheme? I am sure there were meant to be auditors? During the scheme, or after the scheme falls off the rails!

In most cases it would appear, it is the Solar Providers, pushing the client for the pre-approval, so they can place the order!

And what if the Government had delivered the reports on time! Well this post would not be here!

Your comments on this post please.

Information is edited / supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Loans Moan Follows Insulation Drama

This article was the result of a letter to the editor for my local newspaper, the Ipswich Advertiser. Read the article here.

Loans Moan follow insulation drama

HOT on the heels of the foil insulation for roofs tragedy, Environment Minister Peter Garrett is fighting off complaints about his department's Green Loans scheme.

The program helps homeowners to install solar, water-saving and energy-efficient products.
About 9000 assessors have been employed to inspect homes.

Ipswich sustainability assessor Cassie McMahon has seen close to 60 households since November in Ipswich and greater Brisbane. She says the program has been mismanaged by the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA).

"As an independent assessor, I am unable to make bookings through the call centre which is required prior to me doing the assessment," she said. "The call centre is constantly engaged, or stating 'we are receiving a high number of calls' and suggests that we call back, then hangs up. "If assessors are able to get through, it is common to be on hold for about an hour, occasionally two hours."

Ms McMahon said householders waiting for their reports usually needed to contact DEWHA via the call centre before they could apply for a Green Loan of up to $10,000 interest-free for up to four years.
"I chose this program because it was a way for me to gain an income by doing what I'm passionate about – promoting sustainability," she said.

"This program is great in principle, but the system is broken."

Member for Blair Shayne Neumann said the government was "working on the issue".

An independent inquiry had been set up on February 9 relating to "contractual agreements and procurement processes", including call centre waiting times and resourcing. "There are elements of the program that aren't working as effectively as they could," Mr Neumann said. "I'm assured that these things will be addressed."

Another Green Loans Assessor Bites The Dust! : Hello Centrelink

5000+ Green Loans Assessors Due To Knock On The Door Of Centre link!

Letters and emails are being sent to DEWHA and Peter Garrett's office, asking for a written confirmation of why the Department has made the task of being a Home Sustainability Assessor impossible! Turning many assessors off anything 'Garrett Green' forever!

Such as sample email / letter is thus:

Dear Mr Garrett,

After a month of unsuccessful daily attempts to contact the Green Loans call centre to book assessments, I now need to sign on with Centre link.

I would appreciate a letter from the minister's office explaining why I cannot get paid work, despite their being a huge demand for my services and a long list of customers needing advice thanks to your "extraordinarily successful program".

It's not for lack of trying, but my unpaid hours on the telephone trying to get through to book jobs are not putting food on the table for my wife and five-month-old daughter. Despite repeated assurances from your department the situation is no better than it was a month ago.

I have completely lost confidence in the Rudd government and it's dismal performance on environmental outcomes, and in DEWHA and it's ministers.

Yours sincerely,

Independent Assessor.

It's a sad state of affairs when the Government can support the unemployed better than those within a supposedly 'Green Employment Of The Day' program!

Shame on you Mr. Garrett, Mr Rudd & The ALP!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Assessors With The GLP Program Since Launch, Have Their Say

Hello Green Loans Program Assessor Blog.

Interesting comments here on the ABC Life Matters, Have Your Say page, by some of the program's initial assessors.

Keep pushing the news out into the public arena. The average householder is unaware we have all been shafted by the Government!

FREE 'Garrett Calculators' For The Green Loans Program

Dear Peter,

There seems to just be something wrong with your 'Garrett Calculator', or my Chinese one.

Thank you for the recent insight into Field Force via the media. At first I was not to sure who they were!

Especially after not being made aware of such a large component of the GLP scheme. It's funny, as I cannot remember them being mentioned in any contract or training? Maybe I overlooked that!

So Field Force has 6000 assessments booked per week, multiplied by 48 weeks per year? WOW! That equates to ONLY 288,000 assessments in the first year!

With my $2 calculator. I don't seem to be able to get anywhere near the four years Peter, you originally stated as the life of the GLP scheme. What is more disturbing about these Chinese made imports is, if I do multiply the first year of Field Force's success, by three more, I seem to have these meaningless numbers of 1,152,000.

I can only afford this cheap calculator Peter, as I have been unable to work so far. Could you please forward one of your 'Garrett' calculators, so I can see how you at least got near to 4 years, and the 360,000 assessments.

I am confused even more about the grand total forecast of assessments, that I arrived at when trying to include the independent assessors. Could you clarify as to whether I am correct in believing, that independent assessors were to be included in the same scheme. Or is there another program? If there is, this would account for the lack of booking services available, as I am WHOOPS, trying to book on Field Force's.

Sorry for the confusion at my end Peter, I have been on the phone eight hours a day for five days a week, trying to fathom this one out! O'h by the way I hope you don't mind me forwarding the information on the Garrett calculator, to other assessors.

I await your reply Peter.


The Broken Assessor

Liar Liar Pants On Fire : Assessors Future Is More Than Dire!

We can all wonder and fear, what further Climate Change could occur, should a certain Senator's flaming under-ware, be cast out into the dry Aussie bushland!

It must be rather uncomfortable wearing 'Pants Of Fire', in such a well GLP insulated office!

Assessors are not smiling too often these days. But find it impossible too keep a straight face, when we think of the Green Loans Program helm. Unmanned, unmanaged, totally out of control!

It seems that the helm has been left to collect dust for too long. Now of course the reason is, it's everyone else's fault!

Those laughable comments or confirmation of mismanagement are thus endless.

"I didn't have an expectation of numbers over the life of the program…"

Peter Garrett, Sky News, 10 February 2010.

"… advice that came into Estimates last night from the Department said that on many occasions the forms themselves aren't properly filled in, so we're now providing feedback for the assessors to enable them to see a template on how the form needs to be filled in properly."

Peter Garrett, Sky News, 10 February 2010.

On 20 August 2009 the Secretary of the Environment Department told the Australian Economic Forum that the program would be delivered through:

"training 1,000 home sustainability assessors to undertake 360,000 audits".

Instead of training 1,000 assessors, as promised, Peter Garrett and the Rudd Government have trained 3,648 assessors, without ever announcing their intention to increase this number. (Senate ECA Estimates, 9/2/10, p96).

We could gone on. Remember 'The Truth Is Out There' - Now where did I hear that before?

Read more about the Green Loans Program Mismanagement News, from Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Action: Senator Simon Birmingham.

As for that fire hazard, is it not about time it was hosed away?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Fine Mess - Green Loans Program

AS ONE who has been caught up in the Green Loans debacle, I would like to see a Senate or judicial inquiry. There should also be compensation from the government, to those who have waited months for their accreditation as assessors, to come through and who now find themselves unemployed. As well as for those who have been accredited, but unable to get work because of a cosy deal between the Association of Building Sustainability Assessors and one preferred supplier.
Perhaps a class action from those affected, would at least shine a light on the incompetence of those administering this fiasco.
If the shemozzle that has surrounded the administration of the Green Loans scheme is repeated, in the handling of the proposed emissions trading legislation, then God help the country and the planet.
Greg Thomas, Annandale, NSW

Aussie Assessor Or UK Assessor? It Makes NO DIFFERENCE!

The last words from the Captain as he deserted the helm were, 'We Are Not Alone'!
"We've got in excess of 13,000 assessors here! We only needed 2000 to 3000!
  • Prices have been driven down to as low as $50!
  • The Government originally said $170!
  • Assessors are going broke!
  • Trainers have become FAT CATS!
No system in place and no management!
Sorry to confuse you! I am talking about a similar system and outcome in the UK.

DEWHA Breaches 1000's Of Green Loan Assessor's Contracts

The following email exert, is similar to thousands being sent to DEWHA, by frustrated Green Loans Program Assessors.
"It is now 5 pm and I have been trying to call the Call Centre all day. All I get is an engaged signal. No response last week and the week before. I now put you on notice that you are in breach of the contract. I have not been able to make one appointment since I joined, and became a licensed sustainability assessor. I rang 'Home Health Check', a division of Field Force on, 1800 813 660, and was able to book my brothers house, without a problem. They rang me back in 5 minutes! Gave me a booking number and booked it for 6th March at 7 am.
How is it possible that Field Force Can Book So Quickly, and yet 'we poor sods', the independent assessor's can't even access, the official hot line booking number on 1800 895 076.
I am now going to the ACCC to register a complaint against you under the fair trading legislation. There is insider trading happening here and as I said previously, I believe you are in breach of the contract I signed with you."

Field Force : Dataforce : EnviroSaver Program - Death Of The GLP Assessor!

Field Force : Dataforce : The EnviroSaver Program!
A program delivering 6000 appointments per week!
Exerts from the Dataforce's case studies web page state:
"Enviro Saver is a free program which helps households reduce their environmental footprint, while also saving money. The Enviro Saver program was developed and is delivered by Fieldforce Services, a leading Australian supplier of metering, billing and data management services to utilities and councils. The solution was based in part of Fieldforce's existing ASAP software, a job-scheduling system which had also been custom-developed by Dataforce for use in Fieldforce's call centre. That system was adapted to support coordination of the energy auditors who visit households to advise on energy-saving changes."
"Additional requirements specific to Enviro Saver also had to be built into the new application – such as multiple administrative sites to allow the multiple agents providing services in regional areas to log in and administer their own parts of the system; and the ability for householders to request and schedule their own appointments."
"The system uses an Oracle database with a web-based application that enables the call centre staff to look up the names and address details of inbound calls, schedule retrofit appointments, and assign appointments to energy auditors in the field."
"Dataforce has continued to work closely with Fieldforce to extend the system's capabilities in response to emerging requirements, making incremental improvements to day-to-day business processes.
The success of the system has enabled Fieldforce to expand its activities under the program to other states, and to handle dramatically increased numbers of appointments."
Click on http://dataforce.com.au/casestudies.html to get the full story or,

Brisbane Meeting Of Assessors For Affirmative Action

As most of you would be aware, a group of us gathered on Wednesday and publicly handed in a letter to Kevin Rudd's electorate office. We created a group name "Assessors for Affirmative Action". We highlighted our problems and concerns. Some people also submitted personal letters. We generated media interest (radio, print and TV).
As you are probably aware, the Greens have been very supportive in highlighting our issues. Christine Milne's office issued an update early this morning, to those who have been corresponding with her office. Part of the update includes this
Finding solutions to fix the Green Loans program must now become a key focus. Christine and the Greens, are of the firm view that the Green Loans program is too important to be let fail, not least because the impacts on thousands of Australians like you are far too severe to be simply ignored. You can see Christine's press release on the matter here:
Many of you have taken the time to send through possible solutions, which I am now working through to collate them as fast as I can. But the most effective solutions will be ones that have the credibility and authority of you as assessors behind them, as a group. I know there is a poll on the ABSA website suggesting options, and some other threads discussing possibilities. It's time if at all possible for one or a small group of you to put your hand up and help pull that all together, and put it out to as many assessors as possible.

ACTION: - work together to discuss possible solutions; and send us a set of options endorsed by as many of you as possible. That way we can put your group plan to the government.

So, our next gathering will be to focus on the solutions. I have booked the Brisbane City Council City Library from 3:30 - 5:30pm. We will do a workshop using a technique called World Café, to collate a list of solutions from assessors in the Greater Brisbane region. This will be then passed onto Christine Milne's office and Kevin Rudd's electorate office on another date. Afterwards, we can make our way to a cafe / pub to chat further.
So in summary,
Brisbane City Library 266 George Street, Brisbane.
Community Meeting Room - Ground Floor (ask staff for directions).
3:30pm - 5:30pm (social gathering afterwards).
Bring your ideas and solutions!
Cassie McMahon.
Call 0404 677 781

Monday, February 15, 2010

Green Loans Program Assessor Chillout

Assessors of Australia
, you now have this blog and its virtual connections, to let the world know what you think about the current situation. Use the system to maximise the power of a collective voice.

GLP Assessor is taking time away from this blog for a while. Enjoy the power of the internet.

The search engines have earlier today indexed this blog. All posts, twitter tweets and podcasts, will be spreading like a virus over the next few days.

Have Your Say! Post your thoughts TODAY! : ENJOY!

--- Chillout Music ---

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

DEWHA's Green Loan Program Calculation Cracked?

Assessor's Heads have been burning for a while now, trying to figure out how the Green Loans Program, was ever computed to last for four years, or 360,000 assessments!

With reports of large companies having the advantage of force and leverage, to consume more appointments in one week with 'special email uplinks', to the call centre. Many assessors are left to dream of one or two assessments, before the program fades away!

Now light has been shed on the possible initial calculation, that DEWHA may have used in arriving at 360,000 assessments!

You decide, if this is just to much of a coincidence!

  • We know one company has 300 assessors.
  • We hear talk of five assessments per day.

Based on a five day week, for forty eight working weeks per year. We can now calculate the number of assessments!

What is the magic number? Strangely enough its, 360,000!!

  • If each assessment was worth $85 to the assessor.
  • Total assessments per year being 1200.
  • The assessor makes a tidy $102000 working for this large company.

Now whilst you may think this maths is bias, which may be possible! Visit the bottom of this blog and see the original advert for such position, with the same company!

Has DEWHA's Green Loan Program Calculation Been Cracked?

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Good Faith Bad Faith And Ugly Behaviour

The Implied Duty of “Good Faith” in Australian Contract Law.

This exert taken from an article by Matthew Harper of Murdoch University.


"Australia has not yet committed itself to a definitive principle of good faith in contract law. Unlike the legal systems in Europe and the United States, Australia does not demand an explicit legal prerequisite of good faith to form a contract. Decisions in different jurisdictions have however considered the validity of the values identified in the doctrine of good faith within contract law, such as loyalty, honesty and cooperation. Good faith is valuable because it provides confidence in the formation of contracts between two parties. However there are conflicting views and criticisms of the doctrine of good faith.

The “pragmatic theory of cooperation” underlines the effectiveness of the common law system and emphasises that there is not a need for a clearly defined doctrine of good faith. Economic theory (the “repugnancy thesis of self interest”), goes further and criticises the ability the doctrine holds to oppressively “constrain the pursuit of self interest.” Although the doctrine may be valuable, the ramifications and effects that such a doctrine would create, need to be analysed and evaluated. In addition this essay will explore how established the doctrine of good faith is within Australian contract law.

Requirements To Establish “Good Faith”.

The implied doctrine of good faith is not clearly established within Australian contract law. Therefore there are no clearly defined criteria or requirement to formulate “good faith” in a contractual relationship. Concepts such as cooperation, reasonableness, proper purpose and legitimate interest can at times seem vague, however they are often linked to the implied duty of good faith.

It can be argued that in Australia, identifying “bad faith” in contract law is more feasible than proving “good faith” (or lack thereof). This “excluder” analysis formulates an alternative approach in identifying the traits required to formulate “good faith.” To establish good faith, a variety of values contrary to those which form the basis of “bad faith” need to be accumulated. The economic view still supports the right for individuals to negotiate the best contract. Evaluating these philosophies and relative terms individually enables a closer critique of the doctrine of good faith."

More can be gained about, "The Law on Good faith, Good faith requirements in Australian legislation and judicial interpretation of the concept", by reading Good Faith, Bad Faith Or Ugly Behaviour. A paper prepared by Laura Grant Adrian Teh and Steve Lancken, from Murdoch University.

This information supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Green Loans Program Rorting Does Not Help Honest Assessors

Is it fair for the honest assessors, to have to put up with these constant rorts, within the Green Loans Program, at their expense?

How a system could ever have been designed, with such minimal commonsense, and planning is beyond belief!

If a system such as this was released in the private sector, the management would be hung drawn and quartered!

Comments such as this one taken from the Sydney Morning Herald's, "Green Loans - A Disaster Story", is a fine example.

The comment made by Ana, being;

"Not only are assessments being rushed through, I suspect some are being completely made up.

I completed assessments on a contract basis for an ex employer, but didn't get paid, so I didn't submit the data. Yet when I asked DEWHA's advice, on what to do with these unsubmitted assessments. They said assessments for those addresses had been submitted and invoiced for, with new booking numbers! This can only have happened if the data was completely fabricated.

I called the householders concerned, to confirm that no-one else had been there to carry out an assessment of their homes. I will provide a copy of what their report should look like, and then we can compare it with what comes through the post. This should be very interesting.

It makes me wonder how many 'assessments' have been invoiced for, which did not even happen. In a few weeks time, perhaps householders across the country, will be receiving HSA reports through the post. Despite the fact that they never agreed to have an assessment carried out, it didn't happen, and they didn't sign a declaration.

The householders will probably ignore the report and throw it away, like so much other junk mail! Unless they have been following the news. The report will certainly not relate to their house!

As it is common knowledge that auditing is not happening, assessor companies (or individuals for that matter), can get away with this. Peter Garrett's defense of the scheme, that it's success can be measured by the rapid uptake, becomes a complete nonsense."

Here, Here, Ana. We could not agree with your comments more. It appears the scheme will be audited long after it has finished!

It is hard to think how a system could have been designed, in a worst case scenario! Or maybe it could not have been! Personally I would have liked to have been in those meetings, to see, to hear and feel the level of discussion and commonsense that went into the planning of one of the greatest green debacles, Australia has seen!

This information edited and supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

ABSA Tone Wheeler : Interview On ABC 'Life Matters' February 15th

Greens senator Christine Milne, called the federal government's Green Loans program a 'debacle'.

What has gone, so wrong with this scheme? The ABC's Life Matters program speaks to a member of the accrediting board, to get an inside perspective.

Listen to the interview with ABSA's Tone Wheeler, by visiting the ABC's Life Matters page.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sustainable Green Loan Booking System Ideas Vote

The existing Green Loans Booking system, is nothing more than a complete failure for all independent assessors. Assessors are faced with lists of householders, but are unable to book these appointments, due to the Call Centre being engaged 100% of the time, for weeks!

YES, it is more than a case of 'contract breach' or Bad Faith by DEWHA. Who stipulate in the agreement, a Call Centre for booking appointments. The reality is that the Call Centre is inaccessible! Even limited common sense, would suggest the call centre is accessible!

Alas this is not the case, and with many emails or phone calls to the Government Department, DEWHA, nothing has changed since early this year! Yes as assessors, we have heard the reports of extra staff. But we still cannot get through, to the call centre, so it makes no difference!

So how do we improve a system that was given little thought in design, and left unmanaged to to run off the road!

Well the best people to ask, are the assessors themselves. Afterall it is they who are faced with the daily chore, of calling a non existent Call Centre!

So as Assessors of the Green Loan Program, add your input to the Green Loans Booking System Ideas, vote now!

It sure has to beat the existing system, that could not be any worse! Even turning off the existing system, would make little difference to many assessors! As far as they are concerned, the system has been turned OFF already, for many WEEKS now!

Missing off this poll, is the idea that no 'lead generation' business could book appointments. Only assessors! Additionally a limit on the size of any assessor business. Without limits, greed and rorting is all too easy, as we know to well.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Melbourne Or Sydney Based Assessor To Speak To Media

WANTED Melbourne or Sydney based Assessor!

Action is needed now! Are you a Melbourne or Sydney based assessor, willing to talk to the media, in person or anonymously?

If you are, please contact the office of Senator Milne as soon as possible, on 03 6224 8899.

The following exert is taken from an email, received from the Office Of Senator Milne.

Finding solutions to fix the Green Loans program must now become a key focus. Christine and the Greens are of the firm view, that the Green Loans program is too important to be let fail. Not least because the impacts on thousands of Australians like you, are far too severe to be simply ignored.

You can see Christine’s press release on the internet here at, http://bit.ly/savetheglp.

Many of you have taken the time to send through possible solutions, which I am now working through to collate them as fast as I can. But the most effective solutions, will be ones that have the credibility and authority of you, as assessors behind them as a group. I know there is a poll on the ABSA website suggesting options, and some other threads discussing possibilities. Now is the time for one of you, or a small group of you, to put your hand up and help pull it all together.

Help spread this message, to as many assessors as possible.

THE ACTION PLAN IS. To work together to discuss possible solutions, and send us a set of options, endorsed by as many of you as possible. That way we can put your group plan to the government. Forward you email to the Office Of Senator Milne.

This information is edited and supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Forwarding Your Concerns To The Prime Minister's Office

Action is needed now, in stating assessor's concerns to the Prime Minister's office.

The following exert is taken from an email, received from the Office Of Senator Milne.

Forward your concerns to the Prime Minister’s office. It’s very important now that the Prime Minister, is made aware of the extent and personal harm happening under this program. It will help to maintain and increase the pressure for rapid action. You can email the Prime Minister’s office by going here: http://pm.gov.au/PM_Connect/Email_your_PM. Or you can phone his parliamentary office on, 02 6277 7700 or, 07 3899 4031 for his Queenland electorate office.

The line that many of you are starting to use, 'that DEWHA in not providing you all with a functioning booking service is therefore in breach of contract', is an excellent one.

Remember that polite, honest and factual communications work best.

This information is edited and supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Vote Now : Who Is Responsible For The Green Loans Debacle

Who do you think is responsible for the current state of the Green Loan Program.

Have you say, make your vote count!

Add a link to this poll, from your website or social network by linking to this post.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Green Loans Program Under Fire Video From ABC Stateline

The Green Loans Program is again Under Fire in this video, by ABC Stateline in South Australia.

All the truths that assessors are aware of, are discussed.

In the video are:

  • Senator Christine Milne.
  • Assessor Wayne Moran.

The video focusses on assessor's common frustrations and issues, of the Green Loans Program. Such as:

  • Field Force's Booking System.
  • Late Reports.
  • Call Centre Engaged, 100% For Weeks.
  • Only 5 Appointments Booked, Per Call.

This video is brought to you by ABC Stateline South Australia. This is an excellent video that needs to be shared, on all social networks, facebook & Twitter.

Watch the video Green Loans Program Under Fire.

Whilst we are talking 'fire', make sure you check out the Green Loans Progam 'Heads On Fire' lyrics, posted on this blog.

Thank you to Senator Christine Milne and Assessor Wayne Moran, for helping increase awareness, and fight the injustice. Make sure you follow Senator Milne on Twitter.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Assessors Unite To Create Awareness Of Their Plight

No Assessor, is too happy with the current outcome, of the Green Loans Program.

As a collective we need as much ammunition as possible, to create awareness of our plight!

The Green Loans Program & it's Assessors were managed by two parties. DEWHA & ABSA. Either one, or both are responsible for this debacle! Both parties cannot keep on blaming the other!

Let us not forget what we were told, about the total number of assessors being capped! As this has simply not happened!

As a body of 5000 or 10000 Assessors of course we have POWER! Lot's of it! We need to 'Use It'. Or stop crying over spilt milk!

Pass the links on this blog to everyone. Your clients, your fellow assessors. This information will eventually fall into the hands of those with extreme power, those wishing to help us fight our cause!

No assessor should be out of pocket due to the incompetence of DEWHA & ABSA.

Remember who allowed the Green Loans Scheme to get into such a debacle! Both parties are responsible!

It's Your Income, Your Career At Risk!

If you are an assessor, ask yourself what you are doing to fight the cause? What can you do to help with this awareness campaign?

To all those assessors already fighting the injustice of the Green Loans Program. We say Thank You!

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Friday, February 12, 2010

OK I Am Ready To Sue DEWHA : Broken Contract

I hear that Field Farce, is still booking in 6000 appointments.

I read that the appointment numbers are 400,000+

I have 6 appointments from last week.

6 from this week.

If I do get through to the Call Centre, being allowed to only book 5 appointments, when do I book the other 7, next week the week after.

That term a 'Fair Go' has been deleted from the dictionary by DEWHA's bad mismanagement.

I have not been able to get through to the Green Loans Booking Centre for over a week now!


Coconut Shy Starts To Tremble : Heads To Fall

Coconut Shy. A game consisting of throwing wooden balls, at a 'row of coconuts' balanced on posts.

Typically a player buys three balls and wins each coconut, when it's successfully dislodged.

The rules in this scenario have been changed, whereby the stricken coconut is placed back on top of the post for the next contestant to knock off again.

Shout the name of your targeted coconut, LOUDLY BEFORE AIMING!

Pressure Mounts On Peter Garrett - Rorting Of Green Loan Scheme

Pressure mounts on Peter Garrett, as entrepreneur slams “rorting” of Green Loan scheme.

Pressure on Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett is increasing, with the Opposition calling for his resignation. And another green entrepreneur declaring the Green Loans scheme has been affected by "greed and rorting". Read the full story here.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Assessor Numbers : ABSA Update : Current situation of the Green Loans Program.

ABSA Update Information - Assessor Numbers.

In the interests of keeping you all up-to-date, the latest assessor statistics are as follows,

Total applications received, 9522.
Assessor (HO) numbers issued by 11th February 2010, 6979.

The remaining applicants have either withdrawn, arrived after the closing date or have missing or inaccurate information.

Green Loans Booking System.

We are aware of the great dissatisfaction and distress amongst our members, with the current operation of the Green Loans hotline. We also share your frustrations regarding the uncertainty of the future of the Green Loans program.

Unfortunately we are unable to answer questions, concerning these serious issues.

Like our members, ABSA’s source of information regarding the intentions and actions of DEWHA, about the future of the Green Loans scheme, are media reports and official government transcripts, from Question Time and the recent Senate estimates hearings, which are a matter of public record and available at www.aph.gov.au.

ABSA have sought to clarify our role in the Green Loans program, through updates on its Home Sustainability Assessment Scheme website – www.hsas.net.au.

We urge you to refer to this website to gain an understanding of the role of ABSA, in the overall Home Sustainability Assessment Scheme, of which Green Loans is a part. The scheme was developed and funded by the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), which is also solely responsible for the operation of the Green Loans booking hotline, reporting and invoices.

We ask for your continued patience, while we all await a decision from DEWHA on the future of the Green Loans program.

Alison Carmichael.

CEO, Association of Building Sustainability Assessors.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at http://glpassessor.blogspot.com.

Assessors Email On The Green Loan Program Debacle

Home Sustainability Assessors involved in the Green Loans Program, are spending their days, hanging on the phone and writing emails.

Stuck on the phone trying to get through to a Call Centre, that for many, is engaged 100% of the time, and has been for weeks. It is not uncommon for assessors to simply not get through! Therefore appointments are not getting booked, meaning no assessments taken!

GLP Assessor, has not been able to get through to the call centre, since the 2nd of February. This surely has to be a case of Bad Faith, being offered by DEWHA, when one reads the contract, that assessors signed.

There are hundred if not thousands of emails been sent by assessors all over Australia, on a daily basis. Voicing their frustration on a broken system, that has been created due to mis-management, by those parties involved.

A common daily scenario for many assessors, is summed up in this brief email that was emailed to all departments, media, Government officials and the Ombudsman.

I am a Green Loans Assessor who has work available, but cannot work because I cannot get my jobs booked into the call centre, booking service. Despite redialing endlessly, just trying to get into the phone queue.

I also cannot invoice for work I have already completed. Because the work I was told to continue doing, when your booking service was shut, has still not been assigned booking numbers to invoice with. Even when I do have booking numbers for work completed, I cannot get my invoices paid within the 30 days stated on my contract with you.

You are not allowing me to work. There is a big difference between the "No guarentee of work" I agreed to, under the terms of the contract I signed. And not allowing me to work due to the complete failure, of the systems you agreed to supply to all assessors.

These 'systems' included a working booking system, and then an online booking system. Yes you supplied an online booking system for a time, TO ONE COMPANY ONLY.

This was at the expense of all smaller operators, who trusted you to provide a fair and level playing field, to everyone who made "a commercial decision". To risk our money and time, to enter a new fledging business area. Had we been aware of all the relevant information as stated, many of us may have made a different decision.

Yours sincerely, Green Loans Assessor

GLP Assessor would like to hear from legal representatives dealing with BAD FAITH in a legal contract. Contact GLP Assessor on this site for more information.

This information is supplied and edited by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.

Green Loans Scheme Too Important To Fail

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne

Thursday 11th February 2010, 3:31pm

Energy Efficiency

The Green Loans Scheme is a critically important step in building Australia's green economy, creating jobs for the future and saving householders money. It is too important to be allowed to fail.

Following the his moves to fix problems the insulation roll-out over recent days, Miniter Garrett must now urgently move to fix the problems besetting the Green Loans Scheme.

The Green Loans scheme is an excellent idea gone badly awry, but it can be fixed if the Minister turns his attention to it," Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne said.

The Prime Minister must get personally involved in order to fix this debacle which, alongside the insulation roll-out and the rooftop solar bungling, is costing lives and livelihoods across the country.

I am offering to work with the industry bodies, small business people, concerned individuals and the government to work out the best and most appropriate long term fix.

It is clear that Mr Garrett has to immediately instruct his department to roll out an up-to-scratch nationally accredited training program.

He must give the call centre adequate funding to operate effectively and ensure that the online booking system is brought online.

Given the fabulous community demand, he must adequately fund the program to match that demand.

And he must make sure that the program is fair, ensuring that no one company or group has greater access to bookings than any other.

There are big unanswered questions as to how this can be made to work, but with the right will I am convinced it can.

The fabulous project of greening Australia's homes and jobs is too important to be allowed to fail."

Senator Milne was joined today at Parliament by two assessors from the Canberra community, Rob May and Robert Sanchez, both of who are calling for the government to urgently fix the Green Loans program.

This information is supplied by GLP Assessor at 'http://glpassessor.blogspot.com'.
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